Aljoscha Dickmann

1986 born in Dusseldorf

Training in Structural Integration at the Institute of Structural Body Therapy (SKT) in Nuremberg under the direction of dr. Herbert Grassmann.
Dr. Herbert Grassmann himself learned from the pioneers of Rolfing Emmit Hutchin and Peter Melchior, the first trained teachers of Ida Rolf.

Study of Physical Activity and Health with dual subject Psychology at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen

Internships in the field of bodywork in structural body work, Feldenkrais and Gyrotonic / gyrokinesis.

The affinity to movement and body arts has been around for a long time, but when I got my own chronic back problems, I deepened the practice of bodywork and its therapeutic approaches.
Own experience in various procedures such as, Rolfing, yoga, osteopathy, (Biodynamic) Craniosakral therapy, Feldenkrais, chiropractic, body-oriented psychotherapy and energetic healing work.
Structural Integration (Rolfing) triggered a developmental process in me and made for a more upright and effortless posture. I am happy to pass on this experience.
I am also a member of the Worldwide Association of the International Association of Structural Integrators ( Iasi ),

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